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(Audelia Manor Fellowship & New Room Fellowship)

Christmas Market


Many people in the Lake Highlands community cannot or will not attend a traditional church setting due to limited resources and/or physical disabilities. Because Jesus calls us to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19-20), we are compelled to provide weekly worship, discipleship and service opportunities at locations beyond the LHUMC church campus, specifically Audelia Manor Fellowship and The New Room Community Fellowship. As we grow together in relationship, we are better able to assess and meet the specific needs of God’s people.


Thank you for giving a gift that allows God’s call to be lived out in our neighborhood.


You are invited to donate in honor of your loved ones, and we have a special card that you can share with them. Cards will be mailed to you. (Be sure that you have supplied your personal mailing informationfrom step 2 on the Christmas Market Home Page)

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